pondelok 27. júna 2011

Summer festival

When I woke up it was long past breakfast, it could’ve been shortly before noon (I knew for sure I’ve missed my elevensies!). I looked out of my (dirty) window and although it looked like a beautiful summer day, the street in front of the inn was in pure chaos. Everyone was in a hurry to get somewhere, everyone carried something to some place, shouted at someone, rushing him to move quickly... I didn’t understand what was happening and deep down I hoped the people of Combe don’t live like this everyday... When do they make time for breakfast in grass? And what about a day-long lazy fishing? Merriment down in the town?
I took some of the clothes out of my backpack and put them into the small cabinet by my bed. I  got into my favourite tunic and started plucking up the courage to walk down to the inn. I didn’t  know how to begin this day... where shall I go, what shall I do? But I wasn’t really afraid. When I’ve survived a night at a strange inn with no door... nothing can scare me easily now! In this mood I made my way down the stairs (there were exactly 40 of them! I’ve been counting!) to the main chamber where there was already a a delicious smell of lunch. On the largest of tables lied a beautiful brown roasted hog, but Mrs. Lizbeth didn’t seem satisfied:
„LINK! Where is that ill-bred boy? I’m up to my ears in work and the helper is gone!“ shouted Lizbeth in anger while wiping the tables clean.
„Good morning.“ I peeped a bit insecurely.
„Oh, miss Auri! Morning you say?! I’m sorry, you’ve missed the beakfast and there’s no one to serve up the lunch, so much work and so little time!“ she kept on lamenting.
„I’ve noticed everyone’s busy... what is happening here?“ I couldn’t help asking.
„You really don’t know? The summer festival started yesterday! So many orders, so many deliveries! And where is Link, he should’ve been long back and run to the festival grounds with that pig!“ she started wailing. Suddenly a tall black-heaired man appeared from behind Lizbeth and started soothing her with a calm voice:
„You know him Liz, anything can catch his attention, he just sits down and starts to draw. He doesn’t understand haste.“ said the man.
„Oh Todd, what did I do to deserve such a helper! We won’t deliver all the food till the evening like this! What should I do, what should I do?? I cannot take care of the inn and the festival!“ she worried all in anguish.
„Hire another helper.“ shrugged the man and disappeared in a corridor behind the bar.
„Bah, another helper! We’re barely keeping our heads above water as it is now...“ she grumbled, not noticing my curious look.
„Mrs. Lizbeth...“ I started.
„Oh yes, your lunch! Uh... the errant boy will return sooner or later and then I’ll have time to serve it up, but until then-“
„No no, I wanted to ask... what do you need help with? I’ve just arrived from Frogmorton, I don’t have friends nor work... I could help you!“ I suggested enthusiastically.
„You.... but... I mean...“ she was taken by surprise.
„I know we don’t know each other yet, but give me a chance, please! I’ll help you with everything I can!“ I swore blind.
„Well, that is very kind of you miss, but... our inn has seen better days and I can’t afford to pay you. Even the boy works just for food and shelter!“ she admitted unwillingly.
„That would suffice! Why do you need money when you have something to eat and somewhere to sleep!“ I replied merrily.
„Well... there are two beds in his room... just like in any other room, after all...,“ she thought about it aloud,“but would you not mind sharing a room with Link? You don’t even know him!“
I hesitated for a while.
„No.“ I said firmly. What could happen? I‘ll have work and bed with food for free. Suddenly, life seemed a lot less uncertain.       
„Well... alright then. I have to admit I’ll need every helping hand during the festival and since you’re so willing... Hm, would you know the way to the festival grounds north of Bree with this pig here?“
I was rather startled. What grounds? Where? Am I to travel again? I haven’t even arrived properly! Luckily, at that very moment the door was flung open and a young cheery hobbit hopped inside.

„Hello Mrs. innkeeper! Farmer Grubb was overjoyed about your fruit basket and he told me-“
„LINK! Do you have any idea about the amount of work waiting for you?! Off with you to the festival and take the pig!“ Lizbeth  raised a dish towel to strike him.
„Ouch, alright, I’m going.“ he ducked his head down in time to avoid the hit.
„And you will take miss Auri with you, she’ll be helping out at the inn just like you from now on. Come and meet her – Auri, this is Linkrink, our long-time servant.“ I bowed down shyly, but he just waved at me and immediately tried to get hold of the heavy platter with food.
„You will go to the summerfest together, try to remember the way Auri, you might have to go alone next time. You will take the hog to Bernard Oaksey, you‘ll surely find him somewhere near the dining tables. Oh and Auri, please keep an eye on Link, don’t let him get engrossed in a conversation with anyone and come back as soon as possible! We have much to do in the kitchen!“ she saw us out.
„Alright, I’ll keep an eye on him.“ I promised, but she took me by the shoulder and said:
„One more thing. You can’t go dressed up like this, they would confuse you with a guest and not a helper. You’ll wear our dress.“ she said and vanished in the corridor behind the bar. I was a little confused, but I didn’t have the power to resist, I just wanted to do what seemed wisest at the moment. And this was wiser than arguing about clothes. In a moment she was back with a dress in her hands.
„There, try it on. It may not fit you perfectly, because our last waitress stretched it a bit, but it should be your size.“ she handed me a white-brown, front laced up dress. I dashed into my room and jumped into the dress quickly. To me it seemed alright, but I didn’t have any mirror to make sure and so I just ran down the stairs and waited for Lizbeth’s opinion.
„See, it fits like a glove! When you get back I’ll make some small adjustments, but it will have to do for now. Now off with you and hurry up!“ she pushed us out of the door along with a cooling pig on a plate.

štvrtok 23. júna 2011

First night at the Comb and Wattle Inn

Combe looked... small, but cozy. What little daylight remained showed me a busy village with tall men and hobbits alike, buzzing here and there as if something terribly important was about to happen. I didn't want to bother anyone (especially when they looked so dead serious about something), but I didn't want to wander around the village looking obviously lost (that would be the WORST first impression - "Auri? Oh, the lass that managed to get lost in our village, aye, I remember her!"). I was standing by the stables looking for someone to ask directions when I saw this girl just hanging around by the well in the centre of the square. 
She looked young and quite pretty - I like pretty people, they make me feel good inside. She didn't seem to be busy at all, so I've decided she'll be a good person to ask. I came closer and said:
"Excuse me miss, can I ask you something?"
"WHAT!" said the girl very grumpily.
She scared me! My voice was suddenly even thinner and my whole body started shaking.
"I just.. wanted... to ask about an inn to spend the night...at..." I swallowed the words heavily. 
"Are you blind! It's right in front of your nose! And learn to read!" she snorted and turned away to me. I backed up in pure horror and felt the blood going into my head. Just *now* I was shaking. 
"Thank you." I peeped and rushed away from her. Oh how ashamed I felt when I finally spotted the (actually quite large) inn just a few steps away from the place where I was standing. It was called The Comb and Wattle Inn. I must've looked really... stupid not seeing such a huge building. Nevertheless, I remembered the face of the girl well.... very well. With hurt feelings and dry mouth I entered the inn. Were it not for the fireplace, the interior of the tavern would be completely dark. 
"Uhh... a rather murky place." I thought to myself and tried to recognize someone belonging to the staff among the people. There were not many guests inside, but the few seemed to be problematic enough. Ruffians and brutes it seemed to me. I tried to keep my distance from them and find the counter as soon as possible. Finally! A lady behind a bar!

"Excuse me, hello?" I tried hard to be seen (and heard!), because the bar was actually taller than me.
"Yes? Who is it?" asked the woman. She looked... weary and she wasn't the youngest in town either.
"Down here, please!" I peeped again. Oh how I hated being overlooked!
"Oh I see, a halfling lass, aye? What can I do for you?" she tried to sound cheerfully. 
"A bed for the night please.... or... several nights even." I said unsure. 
"Gladly! What kind of room would you like?"
"The cheapest one..." I responded humbly.
"I see... tell you what, you can have the standard room for one silver or... the cheap one for fifty copper. But the room has no door after some recent... mishaps." 
I must have looked very frightened because she quickly added:
"Don't worry, none of these... guests," she grunted scornfully "will stay for the night. They only come here to drink, then we throw them out and the rooms remain empty. There will be no one bothering you, after all, we sleep here as well." she tried to assure me.
"Well, alright then." I've decided to accept the offer, who knows how tight will the money get in a few days. 
"Very good! You look tired little miss. Do you want me to show you the way to your room right now?" she asked willingly. 
"I'd like that, thank you." I said and instantly felt fatigue building up. 
"Let me just take a few candles for you, it will be completely dark in the room by now." she grabbed three thick candles and gestured me to follow her. We went up the stairs to the third floor of the tavern (this was one HUGE inn!) and there were actually two rooms without a door. 
"Here we are... you can choose whichever room you like." she said almost amused. I chose the one to the right of the stairs, because my mommy always told me to do right decisions. There were two big beds in the room, a simple chair and two small cabinets. Other than that the room had old squeaky wooden floor and chipped walls that have not been painted in ages.
"I hope this will suffice..." said the tavernkeep when she saw my face.
"Oh... yes, yes, of course. Thank you lady-"
"Call me Lizbeth." she smiled at me and for the first time I felt like she really meant it. 

nedeľa 19. júna 2011

... and the journey to Combe

Where was I... oh yes! And so as I was standing there on the edge of the street, my heart pounding with fear and unease, I looked around and saw many ways I could follow. There were two streets leading east, one west and of course the widest street that went on and on.... heading north. I've decided north will be my first choice. I'll just go and see where I end up. There was still a little light left in the sky and I was going very slowly... looking at everything. There was a small woman praising her wares on a steep cold stair, a strong tall man in a red tunic, apparently a guard, because he held on to a REALLY long sword, frowning on strangers in black hoods and... there were two big men on even bigger horses in beautiful ceremonial saddles right in front of me, walking very slowly and talking to each other in common speech. 
"I'm telling you Margar, we'll have to resolve the issue with Gilkhas as soon as possible, it cannot go on like this any longer...."
I was beginning to be really interested in this important tall-people-stuff when they (unfortunately) noticed me. 
"Hello little lady, can we help you?" asked the other man. He looked overwhelmingly noble, I've never seen such a man before! He was broad-shouldered and had a warm, calm sparkles in his eyes. I made a step back in pure surprise, I was really caught off guard there! Never thought they'll notice me or talk to me!

"I...uh... well, maybe you *can* help." I began nervously. They both just smiled and encouraged me to continue. I scratched the back of my head and tried my best not to sound too needy.
"You see, I've just arrived to Bree from Shire, I don't know anyone here and the evening is coming... perhaps you can show me a nice, cheap inn to spend the night at?"   
They looked at each other and the taller man began with doubts in his voice:
"Well, there is the Prancing Pony Inn... but it is not exactly cheap." 
"Indeed. If you plan to stay for longer, you'd better head to one of the nearby villages. Staddle or even Combe." said the shorter man. 
"Yes, that would be most wise. I hear Combe has enough rooms for everyone these days - and for a good price!" said the taller man cheerfully.
"Really?" I was disappointed. I didn't want to go anywhere! I was finally here and wanted to find a place to stay in Bree. 
"Don't worry, it is not far. Actually closer than you might think! And it will save you a fortune in the long run." said the tall man reassuringly. 
"But... how will I get there? I don't even-" 
"Do not concern yourself with that, here! This is Bill Rosewood, the stable master. Just tell him where you want to go and let him handle the rest."
"Aye, you'll be in Combe before the sun sets and for just a few coppers." smiled at me the tall man. 

"Th-thank you. I will do as you've advised me." I wanted to return the smile, but I was too confused. Should I really do it? But I've just promised I would! 
"Have a pleasant stay in Bree little one. And should you ever need further assistance, ask for Margar or Cynewerd of the Riddermark! If we are still in the town, we will help you." 
I bowed my head in gratitude and tried to remember their names. "Margar and Cynewerd, Margar and Cynewerd...." I repeated to myself. But before I could say goodbye, they were on their way again, as if none of this ever happened. Just a little delay in the lives of noble men from far away... 

It felt strange to do what I've been told to do, because it changed my plans entirely... yet I did it. I asked the stable master for a ride to Combe, he held out his hand saying: 
"One silver please!" and I was on my way to... Combe. The village I didn't know even existed a few moments ago. Will this work? Am I doing the right thing? Everything will turn out well.... everything will be alright, I said to myself several times. And... really. Before the sun has set, I was standing in the centre of Combe, the village that became my home.   

sobota 18. júna 2011

The journey to Bree

Lying in a bed in a dark room all alone is probably a good time to start writing a diary. I hope it will make me feel less lonely. Just gonna light up two more candles and I’ve got to write it all down...

So... today was the day! I have finally left Shire for good. All these months of preparing, reconsidering, then deciding again, having doubts about mommy and brother Linko (though he’s now probably gone too), fighting the doubts, cheering myself up, talking to strangers about „how’s it going to be“ in the far foreign land... it is now all over. I am here.
I have left Frogmorton with a caravan of merchants from Michel Delving. They made a short stop at Budgeford (where I joined them), then a little longer stop at Stock and then it was a looooong and uninterrupted journey to the land of Bree. I expected it to take less time... but the travel was difficult because of all this fear I had. What will I do when we arrive? I don’t know anyone in Bree. I don’t have any relatives there and with the little money I had... I fought these thoughts the whole time. The merchants were quite cheerful, always singing and looking forward to the „Prancing Pony“ inn (don’t know why), but when I asked them whether I could stay with them at the inn, they said „if you can afford it...“. So much for not worrying. I also tried to sleep and I did for a short while... there was nothing to look at – just trees, more trees and even some other trees along the way. And then when I least expected it, the trees changed to fields and there were first signs of dwellings down the road.
Soon I could see a great wall around a big town – BREE! The joy I felt, the excitement... it was as if a new life awaited me. A life of my own, a life away from a tiny village among frogs and swamps. I would get to see tall peoples and adventurers, hear great stories and witness glorious deeds all by myself. How could this not be worth all the troubles and doubts? And even a little fear? In that moment as we passed through the gate of Bree, everything was worth it. And everything bad was suddenly forgotten.
I even made a little sketch of myself standing there under the west gate of my dreamed-of place.

The merchants headed for the market deep within the winding streets of an unknown town... so naturally, I did not follow them. I found myself standing on a wiiiiide wide stony street with nothing but my excitement and a backpack full of clothes and a little food. It was such a strange sensation. I’ve been to other towns before, even big towns like Michel Delving, but this.... this was something completely different. There were travellers and horses and tall peoples everywhere! I had to step away from the street a bit to make room for all the people in their heavy boots and deep laughter. I didn’t know where to go – no one cared about a small hobbit lass pressing against the mailbox in the corner. But the sun was already setting and my worries quickly returned. Where will I go? Will I end up sleeping on the street in a foreign town?

Oh... the candles went out. I guess I’ll write more tomorrow. I’m too tired anyway...